On January 13, 2018 during a regular transport with 30 animals on board the original transport van was involved in an accident. The van rolled to its side and skidded down the highway for some distance before coming to a stop. The driver was transported to the hospital with a severe injury to his arm. Efforts began immediately to make sure the animals were tended to and safe while shelter staff and rescuers were hundreds of miles away in either direction. With the help of local law enforcement and animal loving individuals that volunteered to help, the animals were moved to a secure location and cared for until the receiving rescues could make the five hour drive to retrieve them. Miraculously, all of the animals were accounted for and none were seriously injured. The driver remained in the hospital for 3 weeks until he was released and we could get him back home.
The van that had saved so many lives was gone. Local adoptions make up less than ten percent of animal placement from our local shelter. In 2017, 844 adoptable dogs found their way to the Clark County Animal Shelter, only 62 of those dogs were adopted to families locally, the remaining dogs would likely have faced euthanasia if it weren’t for the transports made possible by this van. The number of animals in need is overwhelming and there are not enough homes locally to save them all. Through relationships built by the shelter staff with rescues in areas that have fewer animals in need of homes the Clark County Animal Shelter has maintained an overall placement rate of 97 percent for dogs, but with the van gone, we had no way of getting animals to rescues which meant their lives were at risk.
Friends of the Clark County Animal Shelter (FOCCAS) jumped into action and in only 2 months was able to raise funds to purchase a new van and get it on the road. Since March 25, 2018 this van has already saved over 3,200 animals transporting them out of the shelter and into approved rescues. That number grows a little more each month. FOCCAS continues this mission by maintaining the van and covering the fuel and other associated costs to transport these animals.
If you are interested in learning more about FOCCAS or if you would like to get involved in any way please email info@friendsoftheclarkcountyanimalshelter.org FOCCAS provides a lifeline to animals at our shelter and would be happy to have others join this mission. Tax deductible donations may be made here on our website or by mail to
Friends of the Clark County Animal Shelter, Inc.,
P.O. Box 4795
Winchester, KY 40392.